In our youth, our childhood, everything is new and exciting. We are bombarded with all new sights, and experiences. Our parents expose us to things that are normal to them, but we are seeing as new and starting to understand what they are and how they can effect us. We also learn how we can effect or even control our surroundings. Some of us learn that by screaming we get what we want, others of us learn that it does not work(in my opinion these children have the better parents), and still some learn how to manipulate very early by using other behaviors. Anyway, as we grow older, in this day and age, parents try to expose their children to everything they have the time and money to expose them to. Is this good? Ponder this.... as a child grows and is exposed to everything around them so early, they become bored. They are so use to excitement and going and doing that nothing is exciting anymore. Some of them turn dangerous actions just to get the rid of the feeling of being bored. Even in the schools, nothing is held back for the children to look forward to. The have kindergarten graduations, elementary school graduations, middle school proms(they call them dances, but if you look at the way they dress, it is just like prom). Where I live they even have a "Phrom", which is freshman prom. By the time they actually get to their Jr. and Sr. year of high school, nothing is special left for them. Maybe that is why by the time they are teenagers, what is left for them? They so often turn to activities that give them a thrill. Some of the activities are dangerous to themselves and others. They start drinking earlier, dating earlier and having sex earlier, all to try to fill an emptiness that they have within them. They have experiences so much so early that they feel they must get that thrill in new ways. Even the more balanced of our teenagers turn to things to give them a thrill, horror movies is an example.
As parents and adults that have influence over children, maybe we should NOT give me so much so fast. Slow down and let them completely enjoy one thing at a time. Not overload them at such a young age. Let them explore what they can do at each age level and not try to push them into activities they are not ready for mentally. Do we try to re-live our childhood and the fun we remember through our children? What is wrong with some crayons, blank paper and some quite time for our children? How about some play dough for them to just create and explore on their own. As they grow older increase what they can create with and give them the quiet time to do it.
While our children are having their quiet time, guest what, we can have quiet time too. What we do with that quiet time is up to us. May I suggest some personal time with God. Ask Him to help us be better parents, and better examples to the young people we are with.
Just some thoughts from a lady who likes to watch people and make observations.
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