Well, the one thing in life that can be guaranteed is change. No matter how much we like things to be the same, they will change. Change occurs on a daily bases. For me, that can even be a moment by moment thing... you know moods. But there are some things in life that you just want to stay the same. My kitchen is a perfect example. I have a place for most everything and I expect it to be in that place. When I go to use it, I want it so I can just reach and there it is. But I can almost guarantee that if my youngest son has emptied the dishwasher, it will not be where they belong. Now comes the thought process... "Is is clean or dirty? It is not in the sink or dishwasher, so it must be clean." OK, so I am left with one of two options. I have to try and think like Alex to find it or look everywhere in the kitchen for it. It goes something like this....
OK, I need my spatula that is scoop like. It should be on the counter, next to the stove, in the utensil holder, in the very center slot, but guess what, it is not there. So here I go, I can either look everywhere for it, or I can try to think about where Alex would put it. Now that opens a whole new chapter of thinking. It is not just where would he put it, but what was he doing or thinking or to whom was he talking when he was emptying the dishwasher. Then there is the options: Was he watching TV, or was he doing it in a hurry to get back to a game he was playing or was he mad because he had to stop what he was doing to do this chore.
So as you can see, one task is just as hard as the other:
looking everywhere or...
try to think as Alex does to figure out where it might be.
Anyway, I digress change is constant in anyone life if they are living. A change is taking place in my life right now. I am leaving one job and going to another. I have been with the radio station for almost 2 years. It has not been a bad time, but just not happy, truely happy. I have had many jobs in my life and I can honestly say the only job I have loved is in the movie theatre. So when the opportunity was offered again to be in management, full time in a movie theatre I took it. There are things about the radio station job I will miss. There are certain people I will miss and then there is the flip side - there are people I will not miss. I know that the movie theatre is where I will do my best work. I look forward to the change and see it as another adventure in my life. So if you are reading this and know me, you will be able to find me starting Oct. 30th at the movies!
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